Vexen Crabtree's Websites: Page Index

By Vexen Crabtree

1. The Human Truth Foundation (191 pages)

The Human Truth Foundation:

  1. Dreams, Religion and Magic: A Long History of Misunderstanding (2023)
  2. Free-Market Capitalism and Democracy (2019)
  3. How to Govern Well (2019)
    1. The Benefits of Secular Government: Approaching Religion Fairly (2021)
    2. Democracy: Its Foundations and Modern Challenges (2017)
      1. First Past the Post (FPTP) Voting System Damages Party-Based Democracies (2024)
      2. Elections (2022)
      3. The Internal Challenges Facing Democracy (2017)
        1. Tax Evasion (2021)
        2. Short Term Politics: Democracy Can Discourage Proper Planning (2019)
        3. The Dangers of Nationalism (2019)
        4. Popularism: When Mass Instincts Defeat National Strategy (2018)
        5. Corruption - The Abuse of Power by Politicians (2023)
        6. The Tyranny of the Majority: How Democracy Can Be Bad (2018)
      4. Voter Stupidity and the Ignorance of the Masses (A Democratic Challenge) (2016)
      5. Democratic Disillusionment and Voter Apathy (2016)
      6. Single Issue Parties are Dangerous: Against Nationalist and Ethnic Parties (2006)
      7. Multinational Corporations Versus Democracy: The Fight Between Commercialism and Nation States (2006)
  4. Gender Equality (2023)
  5. Liberal Values (2019)
  6. The Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th Centuries (2022)
  7. International Happiness: Which Countries and Regions are Most Happy? (2018)
  8. isation and ise, versus ization and ize (1999)
  9. Hir and Hirself: Gender-Neutral Pronouns in English (1999)
  10. Immunizations: International Statistics on Vaccines and the Autism Scare (2017)
  11. About the Human Truth Foundation (2017)
    1. Human Truth Foundation: What's New and Site History (2017)
    2. Contribute Opinion Pieces to the Human Truth Foundation (2017)
    3. How do HTF Referencing and Bibliographies Work? (2006)
    4. The Human Truth Foundation Disclaimer (1999)
  12. The Advantages of Keeping Physically Fit - Good For You, Good For Your Country (2017)
  13. HarperCollins Book Publishers: Occasional Strategic Falsehoods (2016)
  14. Surviving Death and the Meaning of Life (2016)
    1. Accepting Assisted Suicide: A Focus on UK Law (2012)
    2. Approaching Death: Some Instincts of the Human Animal (2014)
  15. Which Countries Do the Most Research and Development? (2016)
  16. To Act Morally or With Free Will, You First Need Knowledge (2016)
  17. Inspirational Life Graphics and Quotes (2016)
    1. Be Yourself is Terrible Advice (2019)
    2. Friedrich Nietzsche on Indispensable Falsehoods (2017)
    3. Humanist Values: Enjoy Life and Be Good! (2017)
    4. Neophobia Comic Strip (2017)
    5. (2017)
    6. Science is Shrinking the Supernatural World (2017)
    7. Check Your Facts on Facebook, Son (2017)
    8. The Credible Hulk (2017)
    9. Unsubstantiated Nonsense Frequently Comes in ALL CAPS (2017)
    10. J.Lo is Pregnant With Twins (2017)
    11. 'Simple But Wrong' Versus 'Complex But Right' (2016)
    12. Judge a Person By Their Actions Not By Their Beliefs (2016)
    13. Nietzsche - We Have No Dreams, or, Interesting Ones (2016)
    14. Five Ways to Make Britain Great (2016)
    15. Carl Sagan Says the Brain is Physical and Biological, Nothing More (2016)
    16. I Don't Like You for How You Look, I Like You for How You Are (2016)
    17. If You Don't Vote, Then You Have No Right to Complain About the Result (2016)
    18. The Glory of Great Men Should Always be Measured by the Means They Have Used to Acquire It (2015)
    19. Foreingers Flooding Your Country? The Problem is Moronic Human Behaviour (2016)
    20. Be Excellent To Each Other! (2015)
    21. Broken People Feel Others' Pain Most Acutely (2015)
    22. People Who Write "u" and "ur": What do you do with the time you save? (2015)
    23. Men Think in Herds and Go Mad in Herds, While They Only Recover Their Senses Slowly, and One by One (2015)
    24. Of All Forms of Caution, Caution in Love is Perhaps the Most Fatal to True Happiness (2015)
  18. How Fast Do We Move When Standing Still, Due to the Earth's Spin and Speed? And a Warning for Time Travellers (2014)
  19. Opt-Out Organ Donation Schemes (2014)
  20. Astrology: Do Observed Positions of the Planets Influence Our Lives in Mystical Ways? (2016)
  21. Don't Panic: The World is Not About to End and Western Culture is Safe (2013)
    1. The Gradual Decline of Violence (2022)
  22. Illegal Downloading of Digital Music, Books and Media: Wishful Thinking and Greed (2012)
  23. Pseudoscience and Health: The World of Alternatives (to Truth) (2014)
    1. Does Homeopathy Work? What are the Risks and Dangers? (2015)
    2. Fad Diets and Pseudoscience: Let's Stop Falling for These Tricks (2014)
      1. Supplements, Vitamin Pills, Anti-Oxidants: How an Entire Industry Seeks to Mislead (2024)
    3. Electromagnetic Radiation and the Human Body (2009)
    4. Critical Thinking on Acupuncture: How Does it Work? (2005)
  24. Errors in Thinking: Cognitive Errors, Wishful Thinking and Sacred Truths (2022)
    1. We Dislike Changing Our Minds: Status Quo Bias and Cognitive Dissonance (2018)
    2. What is Skepticism and Its Values? (2018)
    3. We Easily Mislead Ourselves With Unfounded Stories (2018)
    4. Broken Toys and Magical Thinking (2017)
    5. Rationalism Versus Irrationality: Are Emotions Useful? (2017)
    6. Human Story Telling: The Poor Accuracy of Oral Transmission (2016)
    7. Perception is Influenced By Expectation: You Can't Always Trust Your Senses (2016)
    8. Why are Our Memories Unreliable? (2016)
    9. Pareidolia - Seeing False Patterns in Random Data: Faces in Toast, Bible Codes and Conspiracy Theories (2016)
    10. The Forer (or Barnum) Effect (2016)
    11. Hallucinations, Sensory Deprivation and Fasting: The Physiological Causes of Religious and Mystical Experiences (2015)
    12. Selection Bias and Confirmation Bias (2017)
    13. Statistical Regression: Causes of Strange Beliefs and Pseudoscience (2017)
    14. Why Question Beliefs? Dangers of Placing Ideas Beyond Doubt, and Advantages of Freethought (2009)
    15. Mass Belief and the False Consensus Effect: Everyone Believes It So It Must Be True! (2006)
    16. Opposites are Illusions (2005)
    17. The Importance of Current Events is Amplified by our Egos (2005)
  25. General Neophobia in Everyday Life: Humankind's Fear of Progress and Change (2009)
  26. Public Transport is Good. The Advantages of Pooled Transport. (2007)
    1. British Buses: The Loss of a National Asset (2021)
  27. The Food Chain (2012)
    1. Synthetically Grown (In-Vitro) Meat (2023)
  28. The European Union: Democratic Values, The Euro, Crises and Migration (2007)
    1. The Unpopularity of the EU (2018)
    2. The EU is Always in Deep Crisis: Decades of Warnings (2018)
    3. Benefits of EU Membership: The Efficiency and Savings of Joint Endeavours (2017)
    4. The European Union and the Promotion of Democracy (2016)
  29. National Apologies for Ancestral Sins and Historical Evils (2007)
  30. From the Big Bang Theory to Multiverses: How and Why Does the Universe Exist? (2014)
  31. The Worst of the Modern Mass Media (2009)
    1. The Crabtree Scale of Sources: Who Can We Trust? (2018)
      1. The Best Academic and Educational Podcasts of SoundCloud (2018)
    2. Abusing News Outlets With Fake Science and Fake Lobby Groups (2017)
    3. The Mass Media and Democracy (2017)
    4. Rupert Murdoch and News Corp's Involvements in Politics (2016)
    5. Mass Media: Sensationalism, Panics and Exaggeration (2016)
  32. Charity Across the World (2023)
  33. The Biology of Dreaming (2005)
    1. Nightmares and Night Terrors (2005)
    2. A Realistic Guide to Dream Interpretation (2005)
  34. The Responsibility to Defend the Developed World (2006)
    1. Uniforce: An International Military Force (2008)
    2. Enforced Christianity in the Modern British Army: Remembrance Sunday and Church Parades (2011)
    3. Religion in the UK's Armed Forces (2011)
    4. Military Inspections: What's the point? (2006)
    5. Army Basic Training: Weeding Out the Weak (2006)
    6. Military Drill: Its Theory and Purpose (2004)
  35. International Date Format (ISO 8601) and Time Measurements (2005)
  36. Self Mastery, Self Development and Lifestyle Improvement (2013)
    1. Boredom (2023)
    2. The Ironic Nature of Possessions (2002)
  37. Alcohol: The Social & Medical Effects and How to Combat Misuse (2015)
  38. Psychosomosis - the Placebo and Nocebo Effects: Curing and Causing Disease with the Mind (2008)
    1. Curses, Hexes and The Evil Eye: The Psychology Behind Magical Evil (2022)
    2. The Nocebo Effect: Negative Psychological Effects of the Mind on the Body (2022)
    3. Meditation (2018)
    4. The Placebo Effect and the Positive Power of the Mind on Health (2016)
  39. Friedrich Nietzsche (2005)
  40. The Gaia Hypothesis of James Lovelock (2015)
  41. The Illusion of Choice: Free Will and Determinism (1999)
  42. Subjectivism and Phenomenology: Is Objective Truth Obtainable? (2017)
    1. Moral Relativism: Absolute Morality is Not Possible (2017)
    2. Metaphysical Solipsism is Not True (2010)
    3. The False and Conflicting Experiences of Mankind: How Other Peoples' Experience Contradict Our Own Beliefs (2008)
  43. Review of 'Creatures from Inner Space' by Stan Gooch (2006)
  44. Western Culture: Trash and Popular Culture, Elitism and Multiculturalism (2006)
    1. An Intimate Exploration of Furry Fandom (2009)
    2. The Surface Appearance of Subcultures: People Who Dress Funny (2000)
  45. Hot Topics in Human Sexuality (2014)
    1. LGBT Rights Across the World: Which are the Best and Worst Countries? (2017)
    2. Abortion, Birth Control and Contraception (2013)
    3. Marriage: Its Diversity and Character (2004)
      1. Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy) (2019)
    4. Alienation and Dangerous Sexual Deviation: Society's Reaction to Child Abuse Often Makes Things Worse (2009)
    5. Human Sexuality: Polyamory: Multiple Loving, Caring Relationships (2000)
    6. Homosexuality in Animals and Humans (2013)
    7. Masturbation, Relationships, Honesty (2002)
  46. Abiogenesis: The Origins of Life on Primordial Earth (2008)
  47. The Limbic System: The Source of Emotions in the Human Brain (2014)
  48. Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life (2007)
    1. What the Worst and Most Horrible Genetic Diseases? (2016)
    2. The Inevitability of Life: The Universe is Fine-Tuned for No-one! (2015)
    3. The Evolution of the Human Eye, Complete With Its Inside-Out Retina (2014)
    4. Consciousness as an Emergent Property (2016)
    5. Mudskippers: Walking Fish
  49. The Population of the Earth (2019)
    1. Religion and Population Growth (2022)
    2. Life Expectancy and Longevity (2020)
    3. Humanity is the Cause of the Earth's Current Sixth Mass Extinction Event (2019)
      1. Deforestation (2024)
    4. The Demographics Crisis (The Increase in Life Expectancy is Raising the Old Age Dependency Ratio) (2017)
    5. Misanthropy Inspired by Human Overpopulation (2021)
  50. Alien Life and Planet Earth: Have UFOs visited us? How would we communicate with an alien planet? (2014)
    1. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) (2022)
    2. What are the Chances of There Being Alien Life in the Universe? (2015)
    3. When Human Religions Meet Intelligent Alien Life (2015)
    4. Discovering Alien Intelligence: The Politics of War and Fear (1999)
    5. The Nature of Alien Life: From the Familiar to the Exotic (2010)
  51. Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism (2007)
    1. What Do Religions Say About Souls? (2016)
    2. Out of Body Experiences (OBEs): Astral Projection or Soul Travelling? (2016)
    3. Fake and Imaginary Ghosts: Some Stories are Simply Made Up (2014)
    4. Ghosts, Physical Properties and Ghostly Clothes: A Skeptical Investigation (2013)
    5. Split Brain Studies: One Mind per Hemisphere (2006)
    6. Spirit Dualism: It Makes No Sense to Divide Spirits Into "Good" and "Bad" (2006)
    7. Quantum Physics Pseudo-scientific Theory of Soul (2001)
    8. Emotions Are Biological: How Biochemistry and Neurology Account for Feelings (1999)
    9. Will We Be Able to Transfer Human Consciousness to the Internet? (2015)
  52. Predicting the Future
  53. The Future of Human Telepathy (2015)
  54. Altruism is an Illusion (2006)
  55. What is Science and the Scientific Method? (2014)
    1. To Turn a Hypothesis Into a Theory, It Must Be Tested (2018)
    2. The Scientific Method: Randomized Double-Blinded Trials (2018)
    3. Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis - Overcoming Selection Bias (2017)
    4. Scientific Theories Must Make Way for New Evidence (2017)

2. Which are the Best Countries in the World? The Social and Moral Development Index (477 pages)

Which are the Best Countries in the World? The Social and Moral Development Index (2023):

  1. Countries With the Best Environmental Records (2024)
  2. Which Countries are Most Modern, With the Best Education and Internet Access? (2020)
  3. Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance? (2020)
  4. Countries With the Healthiest Cultures and Health Policies (2020)
    1. The Side Effects of Smoking. Which Countries Smoke Most? (2014)
      1. The Effects of Smoking on Health (2018)
    2. The Benefits and Dangers of Vegetarianism (2023)
      1. Religion and Vegetarianism (2023)
      2. Vegetarian (Plant-Based) Diets Use Much Less Freshwater than Carnivorous Diets (2023)
  5. Compare International Statistics by Region and Continent (2013)
    1. Which are the Best Countries in Asia? (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Asia: Statistical Comparisons (2022)
      2. Which Country in Asia Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      3. Brunei (Negara Brunei Darussalam) (2013)
      4. Armenia (Republic of Armenia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Armenia (2018)
      5. Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Kyrgyzstan (2018)
      6. Kuwait (State of Kuwait) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Kuwait (2018)
      7. Korea, South (Republic of Korea) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in South Korea (2019)
      8. Korea, North (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Korea, North (2019)
      9. Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Kazakhstan (2018)
      10. Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan (2018)
      11. Japan (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Japan (2018)
      12. Israel (State of Israel) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Israel (2018)
      13. Iraq (Republic of Iraq) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Iraq (2018)
      14. Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Iran (2018)
      15. Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia (2018)
      16. Georgia (Republic of Georgia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Georgia (2018)
      17. Malaysia (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia (2019)
      18. Bhutan (Kingdom of Bhutan) (2013)
      19. Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Afghanistan (2018)
      20. South Ossetia (Republic of South Ossetia) (2013)
      21. Northern Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) (2013)
      22. Nagorno-Karabakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) (2013)
      23. Taiwan (Republic of China) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Taiwan (2023)
      24. Abkhazia (Republic of Abkhazia) (2013)
      25. China (People's Republic of China) (2013)
        1. Religion in China (2022)
        2. Human Rights and Freedom in China (2018)
      26. Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Cambodia (2018)
      27. Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Bangladesh (2018)
      28. Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Bahrain (2018)
      29. Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Azerbaijan (2018)
      30. India (Republic of India) (2013)
        1. The Hindu Caste System of India (2024)
        2. Religion in India (2023)
        3. Human Rights and Freedom in India (2018)
        4. What are the Vedic Faiths? (2019)
      31. Tajikistan (Republic of Tajikistan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Tajikistan (2019)
      32. Palestine (Occupied Palestinian Territory) (2013)
      33. Macau (Macau/Macao Special Administrative Region) (2013)
      34. Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region) (2013)
      35. British Indian Ocean Territory (2013)
      36. Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands) (2013)
      37. Christmas Island (Territory of Christmas Island) (2013)
      38. Yemen (Republic of Yemen) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Yemen (2019)
      39. Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Vietnam (2019)
      40. Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Uzbekistan (2019)
      41. United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in United Arab Emirates (2019)
      42. Turkmenistan (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Turkmenistan (2019)
      43. Turkey (Republic of Turkey) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey (2019)
      44. Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic) (2013)
      45. Thailand (Kingdom of Thailand) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Thailand (2019)
      46. Lebanon (Lebanese Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Lebanon (2019)
      47. Syria (Syrian Arab Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Syria (2019)
      48. Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Sri Lanka (2019)
      49. Singapore (Republic of Singapore) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Singapore (2019)
      50. Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia (2019)
      51. Russia (Russian Federation) (2013)
        1. (2019)
        2. Human Rights and Freedom in Russia (2019)
        3. Russia Against Europe (2018)
      52. Qatar (State of Qatar) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Qatar (2019)
      53. Philippines (Republic of the Philippines) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Philippines (2019)
      54. Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) (2013)
        1. Violence Against Women in Pakistan (2024)
        2. Blasphemy in Pakistan (2023)
        3. Religion in Pakistan (2024)
        4. Human Rights and Freedom in Pakistan (2019)
      55. Oman (Sultanate of Oman) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Oman (2019)
      56. Nepal (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Nepal (2019)
      57. Myanmar (was Burma) (Union of Myanmar) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Myanmar (Burma) (2018)
      58. Mongolia (2013)
      59. The Maldives (Republic of Maldives) (2013)
      60. Timor-Leste (East Timor) (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) (2013)
    2. Which are the Best Caribbean Countries? (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in The Caribbean (2022)
      2. Which Caribbean Country Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      3. Curacao (2017)
      4. Dominican Republic (2013)
      5. Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (2013)
      6. Saint Lucia (2013)
      7. Saint Kitts & Nevis (Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis) (2013)
      8. Jamaica (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica (2022)
      9. Haiti (Republic of Haiti) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Haiti (2018)
      10. Suriname (Republic of Suriname) (2013)
      11. Grenada (2013)
      12. Saint Martin (Collectivity of Saint Martin) (2013)
      13. Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica) (2013)
      14. Cuba (Republic of Cuba) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Cuba (2018)
      15. Belize (2013)
      16. Antigua & Barbuda (2013)
      17. Barbados (2013)
      18. Guyana (Co-operative Republic of Guyana) (2013)
      19. Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) (2013)
      20. Netherlands Antilles (2013)
      21. Aruba (2013)
      22. Martinique (Overseas Region of Martinique) (2013)
      23. Guadeloupe (Overseas Region of Guadeloupe) (2013)
      24. French Guiana (Overseas Region of Guiana) (2013)
      25. Trinidad & Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) (2013)
      26. Navassa Island (2013)
      27. Bahamas (Commonwealth of The Bahamas) (2013)
      28. Turks & Caicos Islands (2013)
      29. Montserrat (2013)
      30. Cayman Islands (2013)
      31. British Virgin Islands (2013)
      32. Anguilla (2013)
      33. Saint Barthelemy (Collectivity of Saint Barthelemy) (2013)
      34. US Virgin Islands (United States Virgin Islands) (2013)
    3. Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries? (2013)
      1. Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries at Human Rights, Freedom and Tolerance? (2022)
      2. Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus) (2013)
    4. Which are the Best Small Island Nations? (2013)
      1. Easter Island (2021)
      2. Comparing Small Islands on Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality (2019)
      3. Which Small Island Nations Have the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      4. Tuvalu (2013)
      5. Bouvet Island (2013)
      6. Wallis & Futuna (Collectivity of the Wallis and Futuna Islands) (2013)
      7. French Polynesia (Overseas Country of French Polynesia) (2013)
      8. Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands) (2013)
      9. Vanuatu (Republic of Vanuatu) (2013)
      10. Tokelau (2013)
      11. Samoa (Independent State of Samoa) (2013)
      12. Nauru (Republic of Nauru) (2013)
      13. Marshall Islands (Republic of the Marshall Islands) (2013)
      14. Kiribati (Republic of Kiribati) (2013)
      15. Fiji (Republic of the Fiji Islands) (2013)
      16. Coral Sea Islands (Coral Sea Islands Territory) (2013)
      17. Niue (2013)
      18. Pitcairn Islands (2013)
      19. Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of The Northern Mariana Islands) (2013)
      20. Baker Island (2013)
      21. Howland Island (2013)
      22. Jarvis Island (2013)
      23. Johnston Atoll (2013)
      24. Kingman Reef (2013)
      25. Midway Islands (2013)
      26. Palmyra Atoll (2013)
      27. Wake Island (2013)
      28. Peter I Island (2013)
      29. Queen Maud Land (2013)
      30. Cook Islands (2013)
    5. Which are the Best Countries in The Americas? (2013)
      1. The Americas: Which Countries are Best at Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality? (2022)
      2. Which Country in the Americas Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      3. Mexico (United Mexican States) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Mexico (2019)
      4. Argentina (Argentine Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Argentina (2018)
      5. Canada (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Canada (2018)
      6. Chile (Republic of Chile) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Chile (2018)
      7. Bolivia (Republic of Bolivia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Bolivia (2018)
      8. Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil) (2013)
        1. Brazil and the Environment (2024)
        2. Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil (2022)
      9. Colombia (Republic of Colombia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia (2018)
      10. Costa Rica (Republic of Costa Rica) (2013)
      11. Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Ecuador (2018)
      12. El Salvador (Republic of El Salvador) (2013)
      13. Honduras (Republic of Honduras) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Honduras (2018)
      14. Nicaragua (Republic of Nicaragua) (2013)
      15. Panama (Republic of Panama) (2013)
      16. Paraguay (Republic of Paraguay) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Paraguay (2022)
      17. Peru (Republic of Peru) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Peru (2019)
      18. Uruguay (Oriental Republic of Uruguay) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Uruguay (2022)
      19. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela (2019)
      20. Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon) (2013)
      21. Clipperton Island (2013)
      22. Bermuda (2013)
      23. Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (2013)
      24. Greenland (2013)
      25. Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Guatemala (2018)
      26. The United States of America (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in USA (2019)
        2. USA: Contempt for United Nations and International Folly (2003)
        3. USA: Supporting Obnoxious Regimes (2003)
        4. United States of America: Foreign Aid (2017)
        5. The USA Versus the Environment: Republican Recklessness 1980s-2000s (2022)
        6. Why People Hate the USA: A Summary of Anti-Americanism (2001)
    6. Which are the Best Countries in Europe? (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in Europe (2022)
      2. Which Country in Europe Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      3. Czech Republic (2013)
      4. Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) (2013)
      5. Lithuania (Republic of Lithuania) (2013)
      6. Liechtenstein (Principality of Liechtenstein) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Liechtenstein (2018)
      7. Latvia (Republic of Latvia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Latvia (2019)
      8. Italy (Italian Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Italy (2019)
      9. Ireland (2013)
      10. Hungary (Republic of Hungary) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Hungary (2019)
      11. Greece (Hellenic Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Greece (2019)
      12. Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Germany (2018)
      13. Estonia (Republic of Estonia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Estonia (2019)
      14. Moldova (Republic of Moldova) (2013)
      15. Croatia (Republic of Croatia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia (2022)
      16. Bulgaria (Republic of Bulgaria) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Bulgaria (2019)
      17. Bosnia & Herzegovina (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Bosnia & Herzegovina (2018)
      18. Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Belgium (2018)
      19. Andorra (Principality of Andorra) (2013)
      20. Albania (Republic of Albania) (2013)
      21. Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic) (2013)
      22. Belarus (Republic of Belarus) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Belarus (2018)
      23. Austria (Republic of Austria) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Austria (2019)
      24. France (French Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in France (2018)
      25. Slovenia (Republic of Slovenia) (2013)
      26. Kosovo (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Kosovo (2019)
      27. Svalbard (2013)
      28. Aland (2013)
      29. Faroe Islands (2013)
      30. Gibraltar (2013)
      31. Jersey (Bailiwick of Jersey) (2013)
      32. Isle of Man (2013)
      33. Guernsey (Bailiwick of Guernsey) (2013)
      34. Vatican City (State of the Vatican City) (2013)
      35. Ukraine (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Ukraine (2019)
      36. Macedonia (Republic of Macedonia) (2013)
      37. Spain (Kingdom of Spain) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Spain (2019)
      38. Malta (Republic of Malta) (2013)
      39. Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (2013)
      40. Serbia (Republic of Serbia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Serbia (2019)
      41. San Marino (Republic of San Marino) (2013)
      42. Romania (2013)
      43. Portugal (Portuguese Republic) (2013)
      44. Poland (Republic of Poland) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Poland (2018)
      45. Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Netherlands (2018)
      46. Montenegro (Republic of Montenegro) (2013)
      47. Monaco (Principality of Monaco) (2013)
      48. Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) (2013)
      49. United Kingdom: National Successes and Social Failures (2004)
        1. The UK Versus Environmental Protection and Climate Change (2024)
        2. UK River and Beach Pollution from Sewage (2023)
        3. The UK Fuel Crisis-20210925 (2021)
        4. Blasphemy Laws in the UK (2019)
        5. Human Rights and Freedom in the UK (2019)
        6. UK Brexit from the EU: Disorganized, Unclear and Unprepared (2017)
          1. Brexit and the UK Farming Sector (2022)
          2. The 2016 Brexit Referendum Did Not Promote No Deal (2019)
          3. Traitors and Enemies of the People: Brextremist Language is Damaging Democracy (2019)
          4. The UK's Referendum on Brexit in 2016 was Invalid and Undemocratic (2019)
          5. The Leave Campaign's Disinformation, Lies and Illegalities Have Voided the Referendum: There was no 'informed vote' (2019)
          6. The UK's Brexit Vote of 2016: What is the Will of the People? (2018)
          7. The Awkward Europeans: The UK's Relationship With the EU (2017)
          8. Benefits for the UK of EU Membership (2016)
            1. The Benefits of EU Membership to UK Travellers (2017)
            2. The Economic Benefits to the UK of Remaining in the EU (2016)
            3. Crime Fighting Within the EU: Why Should the UK Stay in Europe? (2016)
            4. Advantages of European Union (EU) Membership: Consumer Power (2016)
            5. The Power of Solidarity: Why the UK Should Stay in the EU (2016)
        7. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP): All About Nigel Farage? (2017)
        8. The British National Party (BNP) of the UK (2016)
        9. Which are the Best and Worst Newspapers in the UK? (2019)
        10. The United Kingdom Suffers as a Result of Poor National Health (2020)
          1. Smoking Rates in the UK: The Slow Victory of Public Health Over the Tobacco Industry (2018)
          2. UK's Increasing Costs of Alcohol Over-use (2020)
        11. The British Broadcasting Corporation: Its Status, and Some Issues (2013)
        12. Religion in the United Kingdom: Diversity, Trends and Decline (2020)
          1. Christianity in the UK: The Newest Minority Religion (2020)
          2. TB Joshua's Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN): In Southwark, London, UK (2014)
          3. Religious Education in UK Schools (2016)
          4. Faith Schools in the UK (2010)
        13. The Benefits to the UK of Immigration (2016)
          1. Misinformation and Fake News on Immigration in the UK (2020)
          2. UK Health Tourism: Foreigners are Not Abusing the NHS (2017)
        14. The United Kingdom's Successes and Strengths (2004)
        15. Why Dislike the UK? (2004)
          1. Football and Hooliganism in British Trash Culture (2015)
          2. UK Trash Culture (2020)
    7. Which are the Best Countries in Africa? (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Africa: Statistical Comparisons (2019)
      2. Which Country in Africa Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
      3. Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti) (2013)
      4. Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Egypt (2018)
      5. Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Equatorial Guinea (2018)
      6. Eritrea (State of Eritrea) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Eritrea (2018)
      7. Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Ethiopia (2018)
      8. Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Gambia (2018)
      9. Congo, DR (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo (2018)
      10. Ghana (Republic of Ghana) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Ghana (2022)
      11. Guinea (Republic of Guinea) (2013)
      12. Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) (2013)
      13. Kenya (Republic of Kenya) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Kenya (2018)
      14. Lesotho (Kingdom of Lesotho) (2013)
      15. Burkina Faso (2013)
      16. Gabon (Gabonese Republic) (2013)
      17. Congo, (Brazzaville) (Republic of the Congo) (2013)
      18. Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar) (2013)
      19. Comoros (Union of Comoros) (2013)
      20. Botswana (Republic of Botswana) (2013)
      21. Benin (Republic of Benin) (2013)
      22. Angola (Republic of Angola) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Angola (2018)
      23. Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Algeria (2018)
      24. Somaliland (Republic of Somaliland) (2013)
      25. Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Zimbabwe (2019)
      26. Chad (Republic of Chad) (2022)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Chad (2022)
      27. Central African Republic (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Central African Republic (2018)
      28. Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) (2013)
      29. Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) (2013)
      30. Burundi (Republic of Burundi) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Burundi (2018)
      31. Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in the Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (2018)
      32. Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone) (2023)
      33. South Sudan (Republic of South Sudan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in South Sudan (2019)
      34. Tristan da Cunha (2013)
      35. Ascension (2013)
      36. Reunion (Overseas Region of Reunion) (2013)
      37. Saint Helena (2013)
      38. Mayotte (Departmental Collectivity of Mayotte) (2013)
      39. Zambia (Republic of Zambia) (2013)
      40. Uganda (Republic of Uganda) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Uganda (2019)
      41. Tunisia (Tunisian Republic) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia (2019)
      42. Togo (Togolese Republic) (2013)
      43. Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Tanzania (2019)
      44. Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Swaziland (2019)
      45. Sudan (Republic of the Sudan) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Sudan (2019)
      46. Liberia (Republic of Liberia) (2013)
      47. Niger (Republic of Niger) (2013)
      48. Malawi (Republic of Malawi) (2013)
      49. Mali (Republic of Mali) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Mali (2019)
      50. Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) (2013)
      51. Mauritius (The Republic of Mauritius) (2013)
      52. Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Morocco (2019)
      53. South Africa (Republic of South Africa) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in South Africa (2019)
      54. Namibia (Republic of Namibia) (2013)
      55. Somalia (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Somalia (2019)
      56. Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Nigeria (2019)
      57. Rwanda (Republic of Rwanda) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Rwanda (2019)
      58. Sao Tome & Principe (Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe) (2013)
      59. Senegal (Republic of Senegal) (2013)
      60. Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles) (2013)
      61. Libya (Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Libya (2019)
      62. Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique) (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Mozambique (2019)
    8. Which are the Best Countries in the Middle East? (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance in the Middle East: A Very Unhappy Picture (2022)
      2. Which Country in the Middle East Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants? (2017)
    9. Solomon Islands (2013)
    10. Papua New Guinea (Independent State of Papua New Guinea) (2013)
      1. Human Rights and Freedom in Papua New Guinea (2019)
    11. Palau (Republic of Palau) (2013)
    12. New Zealand (2013)
    13. Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia) (2013)
    14. Tonga (Kingdom of Tonga) (2013)
    15. Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) (2013)
      1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Australia (2018)
    16. American Samoa (Territory of American Samoa) (2013)
    17. Ashmore and Cartier Islands (Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands) (2013)
    18. Norfolk Island (Territory of Norfolk Island) (2013)
    19. New Caledonia (2013)
    20. South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (2013)
    21. Guam (Territory of Guam) (2013)
    22. Australian Antarctic Territory (2013)
    23. Ross Dependency (2013)
    24. British Antarctic Territory (2013)
    25. French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands) (2013)
    26. Scandinavia, the Crown of Civilisation:Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland (2006)
      1. Denmark (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Denmark (2020)
      2. Norway (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Norway (2018)
      3. Finland (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Finland (2018)
      4. Sweden (2013)
        1. Human Rights and Freedom in Sweden (2018)
      5. Iceland (Republic of Iceland) (2013)
        1. Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Iceland (2018)
  6. What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life (2020)
    1. Which Countries Set the Best Examples? (Archived page from 2005-2007) (2007)

3. Human Religions (332 pages)

Human Religions (2008):

  1. How Religious is Each Country? Which Regions of the World are Least Religious? (2023)
  2. Calendar of Annual Religious Special Days and Festivals (2022)
    1. December Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    2. November Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    3. October Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    4. September Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    5. August Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    6. July Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    7. June Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    8. May Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    9. April Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    10. March Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    11. February Religious Festivals and Dates (2023)
    12. January Religious Festivals and Dates (2022)
    13. The True Meaning of Easter (2017)
      1. The Easter Bunny: Its History and Meaning (2015)
      2. Where do Easter Eggs Come From? What do Easter Eggs Mean? (2015)
    14. Halloween (2017)
    15. The True Meaning of Christmas: Paganism, Sun Worship and Commercialism (2008)
      1. Christians Against Christmas (2023)
      2. Winterval and Political Correctness Gone Mad: The Invented Attempt to Replace Christmas in the UK (2013)
  3. Faith Schools in the West: Sectarianism, Segregation and Division in the Name of Religion (2022)
  4. How Does Karma Work in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism? (2017)
  5. Religious Extremism (2017)
    1. Fundamentalism and Literalism in World Religions (2012)
      1. What is Religious Fundamentalism? (2023)
  6. Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith (2016)
  7. Science and Religion (2016)
  8. Religion in Europe (2015)
  9. What is Religion? How Do You Define Religion? (2016)
    1. Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion (2014)
    2. Cultural Religion Versus Scholarly Religion (2013)
  10. The Anthropic Coincidences: Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life? (2015)
  11. Causes of Belief in the Afterlife and Differences Across Religions and Cultures (2015)
    1. Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana (2003)
  12. A List of All Religions and Belief Systems (2013)
    1. Pastafarianism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) (2017)
    2. The Yezidis / Yazidis: Persecution Amidst Claims of Devil Worship (2014)
    3. Theosophy (2022)
    4. Satanism (2023)
      1. A List of Denominations of Satanism (2023)
        1. The Church Of Satan (2002)
      2. Satanism and Environmentalism (2007)
      3. Historical Satanism (2004)
        1. The Black House: Pre-Demolition Photos from 2001 (2001)
        2. The Knights Templar (2004)
      4. Satanic Symbols and Images of Satanism (2010)
        1. The Trident, The Pitchfork (2003)
        2. Satanic Symbols: The Baphomet and the Pentacle (2008)
        3. The Four Crown Princes of Hell (2001)
          1. Lucifer, the Eastern Crown Prince of Satanism (2001)
          2. Leviathan, the Western Crown Prince of Satanism (2001)
          3. Belial, the Northern Crown Prince of Satanism (2001)
    5. Eckankar: The Religion of the Light and Sound of God, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (2013)
    6. Agnosticism (2017)
    7. Animism (2019)
    8. The Bahá'í Faith (2016)
    9. Confucianism (2022)
    10. Modern Druids (Neo-Druidism / Neo-Druidry) (2017)
    11. Hinduism (2015)
      1. Hinduism: Fundamentalism and Violent Extremism (2023)
    12. Jainism (2018)
    13. Zoroastrianism (2018)
    14. Shamanism (2015)
    15. Shinto (2020)
    16. Sikhism (2021)
      1. Violent Extremism in Sikhism (2021)
    17. Spiritualism (2017)
    18. Deism (2015)
    19. Taoism / Daoism (2017)
    20. An introduction to Vodun, or Voodoo (2016)
    21. Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft (2014)
    22. The Jedi Knight Religion, Inspired by Star Wars (Jediism) (2015)
    23. The New Age (2014)
      1. Criticism of the New Age: Ridiculous Practices, Daft Beliefs and Pseudoscience (2016)
    24. Humanism (2012)
    25. Modern Paganism (Neopaganism) (2015)
    26. Pantheism (2016)
    27. Gnosticism (1st-7th Century): The Birth of Christianity (2013)
    28. Atheism and Secularism (2013)
      1. Atheist Religions (2023)
      2. The History of Atheism (2017)
      3. Is Atheism a Religion? (2016)
      4. Different Types of Atheism and Atheist Beliefs (2016)
    29. Judaism (2015)
      1. Anti-Semitism (2017)
      2. Endorsement of Violence and Murder in the Old Testament (2016)
      3. Non-Religious Secular Jews (Cultural Judaism) (2016)
      4. Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism (2016)
    30. Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues (2006)
      1. Islamic Denominations, Schools, Movements and Groups (2023)
      2. Satan (Shaitan, or Iblis) in Islam (2018)
      3. Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism (2017)
      4. Islam and Antisemitism: High Rates of Muslim Racism Against Jews (2017)
      5. The Foundations of Islam in Paganism (2016)
      6. Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance (2021)
      7. Growing Fundamentalism in Islam: How Moderates are Subjugated by Muslim Hardliners (2013)
      8. Islam and Science: Errors in the Qur'an and Arab Education (2012)
      9. The Qur'an
        1. Sura 44 of the Qur'an (2013)
        2. Sura 31 of the Qur'an (2013)
        3. Sura 32 of the Qur'an (2013)
        4. Sura 33 of the Qur'an (2013)
        5. Sura 34 of the Qur'an (2013)
        6. Sura 35 of the Qur'an (2013)
        7. Sura 36 of the Qur'an (2013)
        8. Sura 37 of the Qur'an (2013)
        9. Sura 38 of the Qur'an (2013)
        10. Sura 39 of the Qur'an (2013)
        11. Sura 40 of the Qur'an (2013)
        12. Sura 41 of the Qur'an (2013)
        13. Sura 57 of the Qur'an (2013)
        14. Sura 43 of the Qur'an (2013)
        15. Sura 28 of the Qur'an (2013)
        16. Sura 45 of the Qur'an (2013)
        17. Sura 46 of the Qur'an (2013)
        18. Sura 47 of the Qur'an (2013)
        19. Sura 48 of the Qur'an (2013)
        20. Sura 49 of the Qur'an (2013)
        21. Sura 50 of the Qur'an (2013)
        22. Sura 51 of the Qur'an (2013)
        23. Sura 52 of the Qur'an (2013)
        24. Sura 53 of the Qur'an (2013)
        25. Sura 54 of the Qur'an (2013)
        26. Sura 55 of the Qur'an (2013)
        27. Sura 1 of the Qur'an (2013)
        28. Sura 42 of the Qur'an (2013)
        29. Sura 16 of the Qur'an (2013)
        30. Sura 2 of the Qur'an (2013)
        31. Sura 3 of the Qur'an (2013)
        32. Sura 4 of the Qur'an (2013)
        33. Sura 5 of the Qur'an (2013)
        34. Sura 6 of the Qur'an (2013)
        35. Sura 7 of the Qur'an (2013)
        36. Sura 8 of the Qur'an (2013)
        37. Sura 9 of the Qur'an (2013)
        38. Sura 10 of the Qur'an (2013)
        39. Sura 11 of the Qur'an (2013)
        40. Sura 12 of the Qur'an (2013)
        41. Sura 13 of the Qur'an (2013)
        42. Sura 30 of the Qur'an (2013)
        43. Sura 15 of the Qur'an (2013)
        44. Sura 29 of the Qur'an (2013)
        45. Sura 17 of the Qur'an (2013)
        46. Sura 18 of the Qur'an (2013)
        47. Sura 19 of the Qur'an (2013)
        48. Sura 20 of the Qur'an (2013)
        49. Sura 21 of the Qur'an (2013)
        50. Sura 22 of the Qur'an (2013)
        51. Sura 23 of the Qur'an (2013)
        52. Sura 24 of the Qur'an (2013)
        53. Sura 25 of the Qur'an (2013)
        54. Sura 26 of the Qur'an (2013)
        55. Sura 27 of the Qur'an (2013)
        56. Sura 58 of the Qur'an (2013)
        57. Sura 14 of the Qur'an (2013)
        58. Sura 101 of the Qur'an (2013)
        59. Sura 88 of the Qur'an (2013)
        60. Sura 89 of the Qur'an (2013)
        61. Sura 90 of the Qur'an (2013)
        62. Sura 91 of the Qur'an (2013)
        63. Sura 92 of the Qur'an (2013)
        64. Sura 93 of the Qur'an (2013)
        65. Sura 94 of the Qur'an (2013)
        66. Sura 95 of the Qur'an (2013)
        67. Sura 96 of the Qur'an (2013)
        68. Sura 97 of the Qur'an (2013)
        69. Sura 98 of the Qur'an (2013)
        70. Sura 56 of the Qur'an (2013)
        71. Sura 100 of the Qur'an (2013)
        72. Sura 85 of the Qur'an (2013)
        73. Sura 102 of the Qur'an (2013)
        74. Sura 103 of the Qur'an (2013)
        75. Sura 104 of the Qur'an (2013)
        76. Sura 105 of the Qur'an (2013)
        77. Sura 106 of the Qur'an (2013)
        78. Sura 107 of the Qur'an (2013)
        79. Sura 108 of the Qur'an (2013)
        80. Sura 109 of the Qur'an (2013)
        81. Sura 110 of the Qur'an (2013)
        82. Sura 111 of the Qur'an (2013)
        83. Sura 112 of the Qur'an (2013)
        84. Sura 113 of the Qur'an (2013)
        85. Sura 99 of the Qur'an (2013)
        86. Sura 73 of the Qur'an (2013)
        87. Sura 59 of the Qur'an (2013)
        88. Sura 60 of the Qur'an (2013)
        89. Sura 61 of the Qur'an (2013)
        90. Sura 62 of the Qur'an (2013)
        91. Sura 63 of the Qur'an (2013)
        92. Sura 64 of the Qur'an (2013)
        93. Sura 65 of the Qur'an (2013)
        94. Sura 66 of the Qur'an (2013)
        95. Sura 67 of the Qur'an (2013)
        96. Sura 68 of the Qur'an (2013)
        97. Sura 69 of the Qur'an (2013)
        98. Sura 70 of the Qur'an (2013)
        99. Sura 87 of the Qur'an (2013)
        100. Sura 72 of the Qur'an (2013)
        101. Sura 86 of the Qur'an (2013)
        102. Sura 74 of the Qur'an (2013)
        103. Sura 75 of the Qur'an (2013)
        104. Sura 76 of the Qur'an (2013)
        105. Sura 77 of the Qur'an (2013)
        106. Sura 78 of the Qur'an (2013)
        107. Sura 79 of the Qur'an (2013)
        108. Sura 80 of the Qur'an (2013)
        109. Sura 81 of the Qur'an (2013)
        110. Sura 82 of the Qur'an (2013)
        111. Sura 83 of the Qur'an (2013)
        112. Sura 84 of the Qur'an (2013)
        113. Sura 114 of the Qur'an (2013)
        114. Sura 71 of the Qur'an (2013)
      10. How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an (2011)
      11. Islam and Women (2011)
      12. The Islamic Religion is Often Mixed With Cultural Practices (2011)
      13. Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism Versus 'The Race Card' (2011)
      14. Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger (2011)
      15. The Qur'an is Incomplete and Untrustworthy (2002)
      16. Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die (2013)
    31. Christianity (1998)
      1. The Surprise Anointing of Jesus for Burial (2022)
      2. Christianity: The Bible Teachings on Those Who Believe Wrongly (2018)
      3. Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism (2017)
      4. The 12 Disciples: The Christian Take on Ancient Astrology (2016)
      5. What Does the Christian Bible say About Prayer? How Should Christians Pray? (2016)
      6. Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings (2015)
        1. Christianity and Marriage (2023)
        2. Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance (2019)
      7. The Formation and Creation of the Bible's New Testament (2015)
      8. The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law? (2014)
      9. Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre; and the Wilberforce Academy (2013)
      10. The Christian Institute: A UK Political Lobbying Organisation (2013)
      11. Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, in the Garden of Eden (2013)
      12. Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature (2006)
      13. Christian Universalism in Matthew and Luke: Parables of the Vineyard Workers and the Lost Sheep (2002)
      14. The Christian Holy Bible (1998)
      15. Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster (2015)
        1. The Christian Dark Ages of Europe (2018)
        2. Christianity and Child Abuse: Fatal Cases of Faith Healing and Exorcisms by Priests and Clergy (1998)
        3. Organized Coverups of Sexual Child Abuse by Priests, Clergy and Christian Institutions (2009)
        4. Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love (2004)
        5. Infanticide and Heaven: Killing Babies for God (2013)
      16. Christianity v. Astronomy: The Earth Orbits the Sun! (2017)
      17. Instruct with Great Patience: How Christians Should Preach and Debate, According to the Bible (2002)
      18. The Birth of Jesus and the Christmas Story: Pagan and Unhistorical (2014)
        1. When Was Jesus Born? What Year, and Which Day? (2017)
      19. St Paul - History, Biblical Epistles, Gnosticism and Mithraism (1999)
      20. Jesus Did Not Exist (2007)
        1. Refuting Missionaries [of Christianity]
      21. Review of 'The Jesus Mysteries' by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy (2003)
      22. Types of Christianity in History: Who Were the First Christians? (2003)
        1. The Nasorean Mandaeans / Sabians (2023)
        2. The Cathars / Albigenses (12th-15th Century Christianity) (2022)
        3. Docetism: Early Christianity of the 1st to 7th Century (2017)
        4. Christian Adoptionism and the Baptism of Jesus Christ: Centuries of Belief Before the Trinity (2011)
        5. How Modern Christianity Began: The Cappadocian-Nicene-Pauline Roman Amalgamation (2008)
        6. Arian Christianity (the Father is Greater than the Son): A Precursor to Modern Christianity (2008)
        7. Christian Marcionites: 2nd Century Christianity (2006)
        8. 1st Century Christian Ebionites: The Original Christians? (2012)
        9. Mithraism and Early Christianity (2017)
      23. Biblical Christianity Denies Free Will (2005)
      24. The Crucifixion Facade (2002)
        1. Arguments That Jesus Survived the Crucifixion (2017)
        2. The Crucifixion in the Bible's Gospels: Differences and Contradictions (2016)
    32. Buddhism (2023)
      1. Buddhist Extremism (2018)
      2. The Evil One in Buddhism: Māra, the Buddhist Satan (2014)
      3. Criticisms of Buddhism: Its History, Doctrine and Common Practices (2011)
      4. Buddhism is an Atheist Religion (2018)
  13. Happiness and Religion: Does Belief Make You Happy Or Does Unhappiness Make You Believe? (2014)
  14. The Internet and Religion (2013)
  15. The Mystical Number 7 (2013)
  16. Multiculturalism, Globalisation and Religion (2012)
  17. Secularism (2011)
  18. The End of the World is Nigh! The Dangers of Apocalyptism and End-Times Beliefs (2014)
  19. Counter-Cultural and Alternative New Religious Movements (2014)
  20. Religious Clothing and Symbols in Secular Democracies (2017)
    1. The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe (2017)
  21. The Peacock vs. the Ostrich - Religious Behaviour and Sexuality (2008)
  22. Nothing New: Religions Evolve From Previous Religions (2007)
  23. The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac (2007)
  24. Hell in World Religions (2015)
  25. What are 'Left Hand Path' Religions? (2016)
  26. Brainwashing and Mind Control: What Can Cults Do? (2002)
  27. Satan and The Devil in World Religions (2014)
  28. The Problem of Evil: Why Would a Good God Create Suffering? (2011)
    1. The Food Chain and God (2023)
    2. God Never Needs to Test Us (2005)
    3. Is Free Will the Reason God Allows Evil and Suffering? (2003)
    4. The Experience of Evil Theodicy (2003)
    5. Why God Created Evil: The Absence of Good? (2004)
    6. Natural Evil such as Earthquakes: Evidence That God is Not Good (2007)
  29. Religion and Morals (2017)
    1. Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion (2022)
    2. Human Rights and Secular Morals: Ethics Without Religion or Faith (2014)
    3. Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (2013)
    4. Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much (2010)
      1. Imagine There's No Heaven (2017)
    5. Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide (2009)
    6. Religion Versus Womankind (2007)
      1. Why Do Women Have to Cover Their Hair in Judaism, Christianity and Islam? (2013)
    7. Animal Sacrifice and Blood Rituals in Traditional World Religions and Satanism (2008)
    8. Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals? (2014)
    9. Religion and Abolition of the Historical Slave Trade (2003)
    10. The Battle Between Monotheism and Homosexuality: Religious Prejudice Versus Equality (2014)
      1. Christianity and Homosexuality: A Very Unhappy Story (2018)
    11. Give to Charity Directly, Not to Church (2004)
    12. Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam (2012)
    13. Ethics Of Reciprocity like the Golden Rule and the Wiccan Rede Do Not Work (2015)
  30. Review of 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' by S. Hodge (2003)
  31. Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation? (2003)
  32. Religion and Intelligence (2007)
  33. What Causes Religion and Superstitions? (2013)
    1. The Causes of Religion: National Under-Development and Poor Social Stability (2022)
    2. Social Identity as a Propagator of Religion (2022)
    3. Why do People Join New Religious Movements? (2017)
    4. Hyperactive Agent Detection Device (the Psychology of Religion and Superstition) (2017)
    5. Political Power Struggles and Identity Reinforcement: Why are People Religious? (2022)
    6. Religion as the Result of Human Mythmaking (2017)
    7. Why Are There So Many Religious People? Parents, Local Culture and Inertia (2016)
    8. Religion and the Fear of Death (2016)
    9. Simple Answers in a Complex and Uncertain World: What Causes Religion? (2017)
    10. The God of the Gaps (2010)
    11. Experiences of God are Illusions, Derived from Malfunctioning Psychological Processes (2002)
    12. Pride and Ego as a Cause of Religion (2006)
  34. Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is Secularism? (2008)
    1. Definitions of Secularisation Theory: Why is Religion Declining? (2016)
    2. Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls (2009)
    3. Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs (2013)
    4. Anti-Religious Forces: Specific Factors Fuelling Secularisation (2011)
      1. Mass Education Versus Religion (2022)

4. The Bane of Monotheism: Against Single-God Religions (165 pages)

The Bane of Monotheism: Against Single-God Religions (2010):

  1. Anti-Religion Quotes, Memes and Graphics (2017)
    1. At Midday on a Flat World, All Clocks Should Have the Same Time (2017)
    2. What Direction Do You Pray to Mecca in South America? (2017)
    3. We Should All Blaspheme Occasionally To Weed Out Those Who Would Threaten Free Speech (2017)
    4. God's Poor Communications Methods (2017)
    5. Does the Crucifiction Make Sense? Nah! (2017)
    6. The Gaia Hypothesis: Nice But Unlikely (2017)
    7. Appraise the Lord! Tax Church Property (2017)
    8. Pagan Sun Worship and the 12 Apostles (2017)
    9. If There is a God, It Must Be Evil (2017)
    10. The Religious Impulse to Violent Defend Doubtful Beliefs (2017)
    11. Sir Elton John Says He Would Ban Organized Religion Because It Inspires Hate (2017)
    12. Albert Einstein on Religious Truth (2017)
    13. Religion, Belief and Prayer Does Not Help Infant Mortality Rates (2017)
    14. Faith Healers Are Not Replacing Doctors for a Good Reason (2017)
  2. Single God Religions (Monotheism) (2014)
    1. Prayer in Religion (2023)
      1. Prayer is Ungodly (2018)
      2. Does Praying for Someone Work? (2018)
      3. Prayer is Magic, and Prayers are Spells (2016)
      4. Prayer is Pointless, Except as Meditation (2023)
    2. When Did Monotheism First Arise? A History of the Idea of Single-God Religion (2017)
    3. Questioning and Challenging God (2017)
    4. Creationism and Intelligent Design: Christian Fundamentalism (2015)
      1. Christianity's 7 Day Creation Myth (2015)
    5. Babylon in Sumeria: The Legendary City Known as Babel (2017)
    6. Incest in the Bible: Adam and Eve and Their Children, and Noah and His Family (2012)
    7. Salvation: Do You Get To Heaven Through Good Behaviour or Correct Beliefs? (2017)
    8. Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Holy Bibles Across Different Traditions (2012)
      1. The 'Wisdom' Books of the Bible (2022)
      2. The Bible's History Books Covering 1100-950 BCE (2023)
      3. The Major Prophets of the Old Testament (2019)
      4. The 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (Originally from the Trei Asar) (2018)
        1. The Book of Mal´akhi / Malachi / Malachias (2012)
        2. The Book of Zekharyah / Zechariah / Zacharias (2012)
        3. The Book of Haggai / Aggeus (2012)
        4. The Book of Zekharyah / Zephaniah / Sophonias (2012)
        5. The Book of Ḥabhaqquq / Habakkuk / Habacuc (2012)
        6. The Book of NaḤum / Nahum (2012)
        7. The Book of Mikhayah / Micah / Michael (2024)
        8. The Book of Yōnah / Jonah / Jonas (2023)
        9. The Book of `ōbhadhyah / Obadiah / Abdias (2022)
        10. The Book of Amōs / Amos (2012)
        11. The Book of Yō´el / Joel (2012)
        12. The Book of Hōshea / Hosea / Osee (2012)
      5. Liberals and Academics Understand Scripture Better Than Believers (2016)
      6. The Ten Commandments (2017)
      7. Who Wrote the Four Gospels of the New Testament? An Introduction to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. (2015)
        1. The Gospel According to Saint John (2012)
          1. A Critical Look at John Chapter 9 (A Rewrite of Mark's Story of the Blind Man) (2017)
          2. (2017)
        2. The Gospel According to Saint Luke (2016)
        3. The Gospel According to Saint Matthew (2016)
        4. The Gospel According to Saint Mark (2006)
      8. Bible-Based Absolute Morals are Impossible Because All Scripture is Interpreted Subjectively (2014)
      9. Women as Possessions and Objects of Beauty in the Bible (2014)
      10. Biblical Dress Codes: God's Laws on Clothes
      11. Contradictions in the Bible (2017)
      12. Bible Facts: The Shortest and Longest! (2017)
      13. Why Did Some People in the Bible Live So Long? (2012)
      14. Ezra-Nehemiah / 2 Esdras / Nehemiah (2 Esdras) (2012)
      15. Chronicles / 1 Chronicles / 1 Paralipomenon (2012)
      16. Chronicles / 2 Chronicles / 2 Paralipomenon (2012)
      17. 1 Esdras (2012)
      18. Ezra-Nehemiah / 1 Esdras / Ezra (2 Esdras) (2012)
      19. 4 Maccabees (2012)
      20. Tobit (2012)
      21. Judith (2012)
      22. Esther (2012)
      23. 1 Maccabees (2012)
      24. Melakhim (2nd half) / 2 Kings / 4 Kingdoms (2012)
      25. 3 Maccabees (2012)
      26. 2 Maccabees (2012)
      27. 1 Peter - The 1st Epistle of Peter (2012)
      28. 2 Thessalonians - The 2nd Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians (2012)
      29. 1 Timothy - The 1st Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy (2012)
      30. 2 Timothy - The 2nd Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy (2012)
      31. Titus - The Epistle of St. Paul to Titus (2012)
      32. Philemon - The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon (2012)
      33. Book of Judges (Shofetim) (2016)
      34. James - The Epistle of James (2012)
      35. Melakhim (1st half) / 1 Kings / 3 Kingdoms (2012)
      36. Yeshayahu / Isaiah / Isaias (2019)
      37. Yehoshua / Joshua / Josue / Lesous (2012)
      38. Iyyōbh, in the Jewish Book of Truth - Known to Christians as the Book of Job (2012)
      39. Rut / Ruth (2012)
      40. Shemuel (1st half) / 1 Samuel / 1 Kindgoms (2018)
      41. Shemuel (2nd half) / 2 Samuel / 2 Kingdoms (2012)
      42. The Epistle to the Hebrews (2012)
      43. Romans - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (2012)
      44. The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (2012)
        1. Devarim / Deuteronomy (2012)
        2. Bamidbar / Numbers (2012)
          1. (2017)
        3. Vayikra / Leviticus (2012)
        4. Shemot / Exodus (2012)
        5. Bereishit / Genesis (2012)
          1. (2017)
          2. Book of Genesis chapter 3: Adam, Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (2013)
          3. Noah, the Ark and the Flood, from the Bible Book of Genesis (2013)
          4. Lot and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: In Genesis 18 and 19 (2012)
      45. Ezra, Esdras and Nehemiah - Confusing Titles (2012)
      46. The Book of Revelation (2014)
      47. Jude - The Epistle of Jude (2012)
      48. 3 John - The 3rd Epistle of John (2012)
      49. 2 John - The 2nd Epistle of John (2012)
      50. 1 John - The 1st Epistle of John (2012)
        1. 1 John Chapter 5 (2012)
      51. 2 Peter - The 2nd Epistle of Peter (2012)
      52. 1 Thessalonians - The 1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians (2012)
      53. Colossians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians (2012)
      54. Philippians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians (2012)
      55. Ephesians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians (2017)
      56. Galatians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians (2012)
      57. Wisdom / Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon (2012)
      58. Eikhah / Lamentations (2012)
      59. Prayer of Manasseh (2012)
      60. Mishlei (Book of Truth) / Proverbs (2012)
        1. Proverbs Chapter 6 (2012)
      61. Qoheleth / Ecclesiastes (2012)
      62. Shir Hashirim / Solomon's Song of Songs / Canticle of Canticles / Aisma Aismaton (2012)
      63. 2 Corinthians - The 2nd Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (2012)
      64. Yirmeyahu / Jeremiah / Jeremias (2012)
      65. 1 Corinthians - The 1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (2012)
      66. Baruch / Baruch EO (2012)
      67. Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah (2012)
      68. The Book of Yekhezqel / Ezekiel / Ezechiel (2012)
      69. The Book of Daniel (2012)
      70. Acts (The Acts of the Apostles) (2014)
      71. Tehillim (Book of Truth) / Psalms (2012)
        1. Psalm 104 (2013)
        2. The Book of Psalms, Number 14 (2013)
      72. Ecclesiasticus / Sirach (2012)
      73. The Top Smitings from the Bible (1999)
    9. Abraham's Attempted Sacrifice of His Son Isaac: Genesis 22:1-18 and Qur'an 37:99-113 (2012)
    10. Scriptural Debating Style: Christians and Muslims Must be Patient and Courteous (2011)
    11. God's Methods of Communication: Universal Truth Versus Hebrew and Arabic (2012)
      1. The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God (2017)
    12. Abrahamic Religions Versus History: The Shared Myths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (2017)
      1. Did King David and Solomon Exist? The Puzzle of the Missing Empire (2015)
    13. There is No God: Theological, Philosophical and Logical Problems of Theism (2007)
      1. Fearing God (2019)
      2. The Argument that Everything Needs a Creator, Therefore God Exists as the First Cause (2018)
      3. God is Logically Impossible: The Argument for Atheism from Incoherence (2014)
        1. The Concept of a Perfect God is Impossible (2019)
      4. Can God Lie? Is God Always Truthful in the Christian Bible? (2015)
      5. The Resting God - The Hiding God (2017)
      6. Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent? (2012)
      7. The Four Dimensions and the Immutability of God (2007)
      8. How to Kill God and Reduce Religion (2000)
      9. God Does Not Need Prayer, Prophets, Souls, Evangelists Nor Religion (2004)
      10. The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments (2010)
      11. Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything? (2002)
      12. Pascal's Wager is Safer in Reverse: Picking a Religion is Dangerous Business (2010)
      13. AI Proof of God and Self Esteem Theodicy (2002)
      14. Ontological Argument for God (Descartes & Anselm) (2004)
      15. The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists (2014)
      16. God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist? (1999)
      17. If I was God, What Would I Do? (2005)
    14. God and Pronouns: God has No Gender (2008)
    15. What the Mentally and Physically Disabled Tell Us About God's Plan (2008)
    16. Universalism: If there is a Good God, Everyone Must Go to Heaven (2012)
    17. Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate (2002)
      1. The Validity of Love Theodicy: God, Humans, Free Will and Evil (2002)
      2. God Has No Free Will (2001)

5. Vexen Crabtree's Websites (50 pages)

Vexen Crabtree's Websites:

  1. Making My Teleportation Device Work (2020)
  2. Special Operations (1984) - 8 Bit Computer Game Walkthrough (2016)
  3. A Book Review of "Their Name is Today" by Johann Christoph Arnold (2014)
  4. A Book Review of "Key Thinkers in the Sociology of Religion" by Richard Fenn (2012)
  5. About Vexen Crabtree (2011)
    1. Space Plate Number Eight (2024)
    2. Nine Months from March (2002)
    3. The Empire Girl (2002)
    4. Vexen Crabtree's Dream Diary (2000-2003)
      1. Nightclub Survivors (2021)
      2. Two Rooms With Monsters (2002)
      3. Texture Dream (2000)
      4. Tank City Criminal (2000)
      5. Academy Rebellion (2000)
      6. Navigating Platforms in a Flaming Room (2000)
      7. Demon Neighbour (2001)
      8. Delusional Fear (of Zombies!): Everyone is Trying to Eat Me! (2001)
      9. Dreaming of Ants (2001)
      10. Aliens and Dreadnoughts (2001)
      11. Red Scratches: We Face An Evil Force (2002)
      12. Goth Alien City (2000)
      13. City Tribe Helicopter (2002)
      14. Take Out The Eyes Of The One Summoned By Crows (2002)
      15. Shiver Stand: Young Adults Harbour and Use a Demon (2002)
      16. A Cult of Pregnant Women Near Kings Cross, London (2003)
      17. Blade 3 (2003)
      18. Fundamentalist Christian and Hellraiser (2003)
      19. Nelson Mandela and His Tank Try to Kill Me (2003)
      20. CGI Dinosaurs (2003)
      21. Arctic Zombies and a Postcard Written to God & Hellraiser (2003)
      22. Yellow Sickness Zombies in School (2003)
      23. Doomed to Hell After Encountering Underground Tramps (2002)
  6. Human Masters: A Triumph of Technology Over Physical Humanity (2000)
  7. Zombies!!! The Biology and Philosophy of the Living Dead! (2006)
    1. The Best Aggressive Fast Zombie Films (2013)
    2. Necromancers and Zombiefication: Toxins and Voodoo (2019)
    3. What Religion Would Zombies Be? (2006)
    4. Zombies Verses Vampires: The Elite Verses the Masses (2006)
    5. The Biology and Neurology of Zombies (2006)
    6. Classic Zombie Films: the Slow Undead (2013)
      1. World War Z (2013) Film Review (2013)
  8. Hellraiser: Film Reviews and Commentary (2005)
    1. Hellraiser Samples Used in Music (2014)
    2. Hellraiser: Inferno Review (2005)
  9. Slimelight, the London Alternative Night Club (2001)
  10. Review of "The Jewish War" by Flavius Josephus (2003)
  11. Quotes from 'The Chatto Book of the Devil' by Francis Spufford (2002)
  12. Vexen Crabtree's Quotes Page
  13. Vexen Crabtree's Websites: What's New and Site History
  14. Vexen Crabtree's Websites: Page Index

6. The Description, Philosophies and Justification of Satanism (86 pages)

The Description, Philosophies and Justification of Satanism:

  1. A Satanist From Birth, Without Realizing It (2011)
  2. Let those curtains of delusion fall! (2014)
  3. The Satanic Judge of Religion is Rising (2002)
  4. Moojan Momen's 8 Pathways to Religious Experience: Categorizing Satanism (2007)
  5. Melton & Moore's 8 Religious Categories: Satanism's Position (2007)
  6. Satanism is a World-Affirming Religion, not a World-Renouncing One (2007)
  7. Laws, Sins and Rules of Satanism: A Lack of Legalism (2002)
    1. The Nine Satanic Statements (2002)
    2. The Nine Satanic Sins (2002)
    3. Sex and Sexuality in Satanism, the Religion of the Flesh (2002)
    4. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth (2003)
    5. Satanic Social Ethics and Teachings on Morality in Satanism (2002)
    6. Stupidity is the Cardinal Sin of Satanism (2002)
  8. White Light Religions (2002)
  9. Criticism and Attacks on Satanism by Various Authors (2001)
    1. Criticisms of LaVeyan Satanism (2017)
    2. Satanism is Personality Cult of Anton LaVey (2003)
    3. The Church of Satan is a Fraud, Anton LaVey is a fake, and Satanism is a Nietzsche rip off? (2003)
    4. Hypocrisy, Plagiarism and LaVey (2001)
    5. Satanism - A Critique (2002)
    6. Why I'm Not a Satanist (2001)
  10. Satanists and Satanic Community: How many are there and what are they like? (2007)
    1. Conversion and Deconversion to Satanism Amidst the Absence of Proselytizing (2002)
    2. The Satanic Community: Expect Disagreements Between Satanists (2001)
    3. How many Satanists are there in the UK? (2012)
  11. Satanism and Violence (2002)
  12. The Untermensch: The Inferior of Society, the Drones, the Sheep (2004)
  13. Equality, Egalitarianism and Social Stratification in Satanism (2005)
  14. Satanic Parenting (2014)
  15. Satanism in the UK (2010)
  16. Swasticross - The Cross and The Swastika (2002)
  17. The Book of Satan (2006)
    1. The Book of Satan 1:5-7 (2006)
    2. The Book of Satan 1:1-4 (2002)
  18. Satanism as a Mystery Religion (2003)
  19. God or Satan? A question of role models (2000)
  20. Who is Satan? The Accuser and Scapegoat (2010)
    1. Righteous Satan Theologies: When Satan is Good (2002)
    2. God Must Be Evil (If It Exists) (2005)
    3. Satan is Death (2003)
  21. Significant People in Satanism (2002)
  22. The Description, Philosophies and Justification of Satanism (2010)
    1. Skepticism and Satanism (2017)
    2. The Satanic Mind is Balanced (2002)
    3. Masters of Existence: Subjectivism and Self Worship in Satanism (2015)
    4. Solipsism and Greater Magic in LaVeyan Satanism (2002)
    5. Satan Represents Doubt: Satanic Epistemology (2002)
    6. Satanism and Happiness (2002)
    7. Satanism: The Natural Religion (2005)
    8. Satanic Life Power (2000)
    9. Satanism: The Profane Religion (2003)
    10. Satanism: The Worship of Truth (2005)
    11. The Religion of the Flesh (2002)
    12. Good is Derived from Evil: Satanic Theory (2002)
    13. Satanism and Elitism: The Alien Elite (2002)
    14. The Pro-Blasphemy Position: Satanism in Action! (2008)
    15. Satanic Government and the Distrust of Human Nature (2001)
    16. Words that Satanists Don't Like (2003)
    17. Satanism and Love (2006)
    18. The Causes of Satanism (2014)
    19. Selling Your Soul to Satan: A How-To Manual (1999)
    20. True, Real and Traditional Satanism (2003)
    21. Devil Worship (1999)
  23. Satanic Ritual and Satanic Magic (2002)
    1. Chaos Magic and Satanism (2010)
    2. A Defence of Psychodrama in Satanic Rituals (2000)
    3. The Intellectual Decompression Chamber (2003)
    4. Lesser Magic in Satanism (2002)
  24. Satanic Testimony by Donna Black (2001)
  25. The Ancient of Nights (2002)
  26. Lucifer, qui lux es et dies (in nomine Satanas) (2001)
  27. O Lux beata Trinitas (in nomine Satanas) (2001)
  28. In Germany, First They Came for the Jews. Martin Niemöller's Famous Poem. (2002)
  29. One At A Time: A Famous Parable from a Satanic Point of View (2001)
  30. Chopsticks: The Vietnamese Buddhist Parable of Heaven and Hell (2001)
  31. Satanic Union of Gnostic Eidolon and Daemon using Belial (2003)
  32. The Satanic Testimony of @stolath (2002)
  33. Christianity and Satanism are Completely Different Religions (2005)
  34. The Birth of a Satanist by The Optimist (2001)
  35. The Ritual of Realisation (2001)
  36. The Goodguy Badge (2005)
  37. What is the Relationship Between Satanism and Fascism? (2005)
  38. Satanism is More than Humanism (2002)
  39. Misanthropy, Nihilism and Self-Worth: People are Shit, Boring and Stupid (2002)
  40. The New Age and Satanism (2004)
  41. Footprints in the Sand: The Famous Christian Parable (2001)